How Long Do Flies Live?
Flies live up to 30 days, typically between 15-25.
Flies are generally extremely hardy, very adaptable and reproduce rapidly. This last factor means that if the conditions become unfavourable for any reason (for example, sudden fall in temperature or running out of food) then flies may die. The result is what looks like an extremely fast rate of ‘natural’ death amongst adult flies but this is actually not so – it is simply the result of a sudden drop in reproductive output!
The duration of each stage of fly’s life cycle varies depending on species and environmental factors, but in general they live up to 30 days.
How Long Do Flies Live Without Food?
Adults usually live 15 to 25 days, but the length of their lifespan without food is variable depending on temperature and humidity. How long do flies live without food? It can take 2-3 days for an adult fly to starve without food at normal room temperature, however they may be able to last 2 weeks under optimal conditions.
Many people regard flies as annoying pests that carry germs with them wherever they go. However, few realize that these insects are actually really helpful for our environment! So don’t starve your flies!
How Long Do Flies Live Without Water?
Adults typically live 15 to 25 days, but the length of their lifespan without water can change depending on the environment. How long do flies live without water? It can take 1-2 days for an adult fly to starve without food in generally normal conditions, but they might be able to last 2 weeks under optimal conditions.
Do Flies Only Live 24 Hours
No, this is a myth that flies only live 24 hours. The only way a fly dies in 24 hours is if it is starving or getting no water. Or if someone swats it.