A Plains Garter Snake Poisonous?

After extensive research it is certain that a plains garter snake is not poisonous. Garter snakes are actually some of the safest and most beneficial snakes you will come across. Their diet consists of small rodents such as mice, rats, moles and voles – which can be a...

How Much Is Black Widow Venom Worth?

How Much Is Black Widow Venom Worth? Can you make money selling black widow venom? Our research indicates that black widow venom is worth money. But in real world scenarios, there really is no way to make money from it. However, it is important to know if this poison...

Are spider webs stronger than steel?

Spiders can produce silk which is five times stronger than steel. According to experts, yes, spider webs are stronger than steel. This article will present the facts on why spider webs are stronger than steel. Webs vs. Steel – Facts on Why Spider Webs are...

Where Do Yellow Sac Spiders Come From?

The Yellow Sac Spiders can be found in both domestic and outdoor environments. Yellow sac spiders come from United States, Mexico, and parts of South America. The two species of interest, the black-and-yellow argiope (argiope aurantia or Argiope aurantia) and yellow...

Does Peanut Butter Kill Mice?

If you are wondering whether or not peanut butter kills mice, the answer is simple. No, peanut butter will not kill a mouse. Peanut butter is a common way that homeowners use to attract mice into a trap. The best way to trap a mouse is using a humane live-trap. These...

How Long Do Cockroaches Live Under Water?

A cockroach can hold its breath for up to 40 minutes. Based on new research, it can survive submerged under water for half an hour. It is very difficult to drown a cockroach because it will breathe through a tube while submerged. A female German cockroach carries the...

4 Things About Gnats You Didn’t Know

Why Do Gnats Swarm In One Spot? Simply put, gnats are mating. Gnats form swarms when they find a high concentration of other gnats. The formation is initiated by females releasing pheromones to attract males. Males go after the female, and once they are near one...