
It’s summertime and you may have a new set of problems that come with the hot weather. You are not alone if you have been woken up by the sound of crickets in your backyard as soon as it gets dark outside. It can be really frustrating for those who are trying to fall asleep or stay asleep because these little critters seem to know when night falls and chirp until morning comes. However, there are steps that can be taken to combat these annoying noises, so read on below for some helpful information.

Introduce a predator

Some people have found success by introducing a predator into their garden. This can be anything from owls to bats to snakes. Once you have introduced your new predator, you need to make sure that it is comfortable in its new environment. You may need to give the animal(s) a few days to get used to it and start bothering those pesky crickets, so be patient! Slowly add food for your pet(s) if you want them to be with you year round, and make sure there is plenty of fresh water available as well.

Eliminate food and moisture sources

Crickets are attracted to food and moisture, which they need to survive. So if you want them to go quickly, it’s time to eliminate these sources of attraction in your yard. At this point, we recommend fencing off your home or garden so that crickets think twice about approaching you. To do this, try to eliminate any standing water in the area.

Lower the temperature in your home

Crickets are much less active in colder temperatures, so it’s best to keep your home at a cooler temperature. This will help keep them out of your home and out of your life. The cooler temperatures work because crickets are not able to produce the same amount of energy they need to survive.

So, there you have it! These are just a few simple steps that can be taken to eliminate those pesky crickets that come at night and will not stop chirping. Hopefully, with these tips, the next time you are awakened by the sound of crickets, you will be much quieter. If the problems persist, call us at 877-336-0454, for more information.