What Do Spiders Do in the Winter?
Spiders can survive the winter with the capabilities mother nature gave them. With the combination of cold hardening and hiding in piles of landscaping waste, spiders can easily survive the winter. Spiders enter a phase called diapause and they are set for winter.
People are often surprised to learn that at least 3,500 spider species live in the United States. They can be seen thriving in open fields, hiding in the corners of abandoned buildings, and creating their homes in almost any other place imaginable. Of course, they’re also incredibly common unwanted house guests. The question often comes up, what do spiders do in the winter?
When Do You Find Spiders In Your House?
Though spiders are around all year long, they tend to stay hidden during the hotter, drier months. Then, once fall comes to pass, those eight-legged creatures readily make themselves known. They come out of hiding to rendezvous with their mates and start their seasonal families. That’s why you see them around Halloween, lingering on or in your home and building their webs anywhere they can find a suitable spot.
What Happens During the Winter Months?
All this brings us to the winter months when many animals buckle down to wait out the cold weather. At this point, some spider species undergo a process known as cold-hardening. Their bodies go through chemical changes, and they actually produce a compound that acts as an anti-freeze to steel them against the subfreezing temperatures.
Not all spiders go through the cold-hardening process. Many don’t need to because they already have a warm place to weather the cold: your house. They’ve been living there all along. In fact, according to some reports, a disturbing percentage of spiders live their entire lives in people’s homes, never emerging into the outside world.
When it comes to most of those spiders, there’s no need to worry. They’ll stay hidden in your walls, attic, and crawlspace as long as you have plenty of insulation to keep them warm and safe. One exception to the rule might be the brown recluse. These are among the most dangerous spiders in the nation, and they’re known to hide out in shoes, clothing, bedding, and other potentially hazardous spots in people’s homes when it’s cold outside.
Keeping Your Spider Problem in Check
Most spiders aren’t particularly harmful though they can cause some people’s hearts to drop into their stomachs when they venture out into the open. Still, you probably don’t want them sharing your home with you no matter what the season may be. If you’re concerned about the spiders hiding out in your house, feel free to call (630) 216-4440 for help with evicting them.