When we talk about rats infesting a property, we tend to place all rodents into a single category. However, two distinct rat groups are found in the U.S., roof rats, and Norway rats. If you are looking for a rat nest, you need to know where each type of rat builds their nest and what they look like. Among the simple ways of identifying different rat nests is the Norway rat burrowing underground. In contrast, the roof rat builds its nest aboveground.
The Norway rat is one of the two most common species in the U.S. These intelligent rodents take advantage of whatever kind of nesting material they find to construct their nest or burrow. The Norway rat tends to build a nest underground close to the foundation of a home or in overgrown plant material. Norway rats tend to burrow underground and leave a small entrance hole of between two and four inches.
The entrance hole of the burrow of the Norway rat will be constructed by hand and include smooth walls of up to three feet in total. The entrance hole will lead to a nesting chamber with multiple rats using the burrow. Norway rats can be difficult to identify because their burrow will have several escape tunnels to keep the rodents safe.
Not every rat species burrows underground, with roof rats creating aboveground nests in several different ways. Roof rats are more adventurous than Norway rats, with their nests found in overgrown yards, cabinets, and attics. The roof rat will burrow into hollow walls and ceilings, where a nest will be created out of view of human inhabitants.
Even when you discover a rat nest, you should be aware that a family of rodents will usually build several nests to keep themselves safe. Nests are always constructed close to a supply of water to keep the family healthy and strong for the long term.